Application for a grant
If you are a registered family foundation member, applying for a grant should not take more than 15 minutes and a smart phone. Grants can only be paid out in the year following the registration.
The foundation can only process uncompressed and unencrypted electronic grant applications by e-mail.
Any application must be received latest within a year after graduation from high school, or after finishing an academic semester or after the award of a doctoral degree. Applications received later than a year after graduation can not be considered. Furthermore, during the grant period (date of high school diploma, university quarter or semester, date of PhD award, etc.) the applicant must have been a registered family foundation member. Applicants who have reached the age of 18 must present his or her own bank coordinates (IBAN, bank name; Paypal not preferred but acceptable).
Please include in your e-mail:
– 1. a very few lines in the e-mail outlining your CV
– 2. a scan or photo of the family foundation membership card
– 3. a scan or photo of your high school diploma (Abiturzeugnis)
– 4. a scan or photo of a record of study from a college/university, showing completion of the semester applied for
– 5. bank coordinates (IBAN). If the applicant is 18 years old or older, the IBAN must be in his or her name
To apply for follow-up payments in later semesters, point 4 is sufficient.
Complete applications must be submitted to the foundation by September 30th. Applications received afterwards are processed in the following year. The patronate decides in October on each application and on the size of possible grants.